Friday 9 July 2021

Sunrise in Coding!

Hi guys, 

Here is a Sunrise I made on Khan Academy! I was really fun making and it took one or two sessions. I used quite a few variables to create it but I still loved it. I don't really know what my next steps are but I hope you liked it. Maybe you could try making something like it. The hardest part was making it stop at the top. The easiest bit was probably making the sun. Here is a link to Khan Academy. What would you make?

Monday 5 July 2021


 I am so exited for the holidays! I love school but it is good to have a break and hang out with family once in a while.  I can't wait for the holidays this time though because we are going skiing! I love skiing. It is really fun and we are also going to our batch at Whangapoua which is in the Coromandel. 

Hope you enjoyed what I am doing in the holidays! What are you doing?

Friday 2 July 2021

Fun with Piskel

 We were doing math with ratios and then we included Piskel and made them 4:3, 16:9 and finally 14:9!

Here are my ones:




Hope you enjoyed them! Which one was your favourite?